A Designation of Health Care Agents for Minors is a Medical Power of Attorney that allows individuals the ability to seek care and treatment of your children in the event that you are unable to make health care decisions for them. This document allows you to designate a health care agent for your children in the event that you are out of town, unable to be located or reached, or unable to make health care decisions for them.
In the event your children's health care agent is unable to serve for any reason, you can appoint a successor agent with all the powers, duties, and responsibilities granted and imposed upon the primary health care agent.
The Designation of Health Care Agent exists indefinitely from the date you execute it, unless you establish a shorter time or revoke the document. If you have included an expiration date, and if you are out of town, unable to be reached, or unable to make health care decisions for your children when this document expires, the authority you have granted your agent continues until the time you return to town, become available, or become able to make health care decisions for your children.