Grace and Faith
What is Grace?
What is your definition of grace?
In Hebrew grace means favor and acceptance. In Greek it means good-will, favor and thanks. In scripture it means unmerited favor (gift), ability, strength and power.
Grace is not just the unmerited favor of God, but it is also His ability, strength, and power to do what you could not do in, by and through yourself.
Grace is not given so you can live as you please but to empower you to live a life that pleases God!
Grace is what God does for man while religion is what man does for God.
What is Faith?
Our proper response to God's grace is faith and obedience of faith.
According to original languages, faith is defined as firmness, fidelity, steadfastness, and steadiness. In Greek, faith is firm persuasion, and a conviction based upon hearing.
Faith is the foundation for what we hope for. Faith brings what is in existence in the spirit realm into a physical existence in the natural world.
Faith is the assurance we have something although it is unseen.
In this tract, we hope to show you that Grace is God's plan, promise, provision and power and Faith is man's response, rest, responsibility, and reward.
1. Grace – God's Plan
Have you ever asked, “What is God’s grace?”
This tract will explore God's plan for grace and why He gave us the Law.
2. Grace – God's Promise
This tract will look at God's promise of a New Covenant, the four pillars of that New Covenant, and the New Promises in that New Covenant.
3. Grace – God's Provision
We have God's provision of grace to all mankind in the New Covenant, through Jesus Christ.
God has already provided all we need by His grace through Christ.
4. Grace – God's Power
Grace is God's power, strength and ability to do what we cannot do in our natural self.
5. Faith – Man's Response
How should man respond to God's grace?
The Bible teaches us that faith is the only proper way to respond to God's grace.
So, what is faith? Faith is a gift from God that we receive by hearing His Word and believing.
Believing happens when we use that God given faith to speak and act on what we believe.
6. Faith – Man's Rest
God has called man to rest in the righteous position of Jesus.
Bible faith is resting in Jesus! But God has left us in this world with a Great Commission!
So, we are to work for God and for His Kingdom.
7. Faith – Man's Responsibility
We cannot earn God's favor or merit His blessings.
Man's responsibility is the stewardship of the grace that God has given us.
8. Faith – Man's Reward
Faith is our proper response to God's grace.
Believing is our choice to use our faith.
Man's reward for using our faith and our actions brings God's rewards.
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This tract is a summary of a course at Charis Bible College intitled 'Grace and Faith' taught by Rick McFarland.
All Scripture quotations are taken from the New International Version unless otherwise noted.
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