Prosperity - God's Way
This tract is a statement of God's truth about His provision of prosperity in our lives.
God's provision was made for us at the beginning of creation, told to us in the Old Testament and reconciled to us at the cross of Jesus Christ.
We have God's prosperity today and forever. We only need to receive it as part of God's grace, a gift from the One that loves us. Only by renewing our minds with His Word and removing our unbelief can we begin to walk in His prosperity for us.
Chapters include:
1. Purpose of Prosperity
2. Overcoming the Spirit of Poverty
3. Blindness vs Father's Care
4. Fear vs Trust
5. Covetousness vs Contentment
6. Impulsiveness vs Patience
7. Stinginess vs Generosity
8. Laziness vs Diligence
9. Ownership vs Stewardship
10. Love of Money vs Relationships
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download the tract "Prosperity - God's Way".
This tract is a summary from a course offered at Charis Bible College called "Prosperity God's Way" by Greg Mohr.
All Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version unless otherwise noted.
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